Transport Facts
Under the auspices of the Centre for Transport, Energy and Environment, PTT collates, summarises and interprets valuable data on Australia’s transport task from a range of published and un-published government and private sources to produce the ‘Australian Transport Facts’ report.
This 400+ page report, contains the following relevant information:
Data on the freight task, passenger task, energy use and emissions
The trend in key parameters for road, rail, air, sea and non-urban pipelines within Australia
Information on transport to, from and within Australia
Historical time series data dating back to 1984/85 plus 10 year forecasts at the state and national levels.
PTT adds value by:
Adjusting for any inherent bias in the source data
Comparing data from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reconciling any inconsistencies
Subjecting the input data and output statistics to a range of quality checks
Producing a holistic and complete picture of the national and state / territory transport task
Undertaking specialised one-off commissions

The report can be purchased in its entirety or specific sections and tables, which can then be emailed to you. To purchase the report or to request specific facts and tables review the pricing below and then contact us with your requirements.

Thanks to you and the PTT team for all of your hard work in getting this report completed, you’ve all been fantastic to work with.
National & State Clients
Under the auspices of the Centre for Transport, Energy and Environment, PTT has prepared the report for the following state and federal government clients:
Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (AUST)
Bureau of Transport Statistics (NSW)
Australian Automobile Association (AUST)
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (AUST)
Department of Transport and Main Roads (QLD)
Department of Transport (NSW)
Department of Planning and Community Development (VIC)
Department of Sustainability and Environment (VIC)
Department of Transport (VIC)
Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (SA)
Specialised Tables
Produced under the auspices of the Centre for Transport, Energy and Environment, the Australian Transport Facts report includes a wealth of data that will assist in developing evidence based policies that deal with a wide range of passenger and freight transport related issues, including:
Private vehicle ownership and usage rates
Freight task and share by mode
Short and long distance passenger task
International freight and passenger movements
Fuel and energy consumption by mode and fuel type
Transport related emissions by pollutant and mode
Tables can be customised to deliver specific information by state/territory, area of operation, mode, vehicle type, fuel type and year.
Should you require a specialised one-off commissioned report/s, please contact us. To purchase the report or to request specifics facts and tables review the pricing (below) and then contact us with your requirements.
Reports & Pricing
The following reports produced under the auspices of the Centre for Transport, Energy and Environment are:
State Transport Facts for all States and Territories (2015)
To purchase a report, please reviewing pricing below. To choose specific reports or tables download the table of contents, which consists of the following sections, and advise via email the section number, report number or table number you wish to purchase.
Table of Contents from the official Australian Transport Facts
Section 1 – Australian Transport Task
• Transport Task
• Energy Consumed
• Data Source
• Amendments to the Time Series
• Estimating Emission
• Report Structure
Section 2 – Transport and the Economy
Section 3 – Australian Transport Task – road, rail, air, sea, pipeline
Section 4a – Transport Energy Consumption – road, rail, air, sea, pipeline
Section 4b – Transport Energy Intensity – road, rail, air, sea, pipeline
Section 5 – Emissions from Transport – road, rail, air, sea, pipeline
Section 6 – Over 130 Tables of actual and projected figures
Section 7 – Key Transport Projections

Email us the section number, report number or table number you wish to purchase and we shall send you a Tax Invoice for payment.