Transport Planning
Transport planning aims to integrate the higher order objectives from engineering, town planning and economics to deliver sustainable, safe and cost effective development.
To be successful, the process requires a sound understanding of the cross-disciplinary trade-offs faced by government, firms and individuals operating in an increasingly complex social setting.
PTT has successfully delivered a number of transport planning related projects in the following areas:
Travel Demand Forecasting
Freight Planning & Analysis
Policy Development
Strategic Transport Planning
Emissions Forecasting
Active & public transport
PTT has become a valuable member of our development team. They are able to think outside the square. In particular, I appreciate their flexible and proactive response in successfully addressing traffic and parking issues raised by Council during the DA stage and at the end of the project during certification.
Travel Demand Forecasting
Travel is a derived demand: it is the product of land uses and the separation between them.
Travel demand forecasting is a key aspect of transport planning. It helps us to predict the level of usage of a particular piece of transport infrastructure, either existing now or in the future.
PTT has proven expertise in the areas of travel demand forecasting and modelling for both private and public sector clients. The firm has experience with all modes of travel including pedestrian, ferry, freight and private vehicle travel.
We develop both small-scale models to assist in the road hierarchy planning of residential estates and large citywide models to forecast motor vehicle emissions and the impacts of major new transport infrastructure.
Our long history in forecasting the change in travel demand at the national, state, regional, city and corridor level gives clients’ satisfaction in knowing that our forecasts are robust and based on sound fundamental theory.
Licensed as an EMME user, which has been applied to a large number of network-modelling studies, including but not limited to:
Estimating toll facility demand for CLEM7 and Airport Link
Centenary Motorway Area Study
Coomera Town Centre Traffic Forecasts
Cooloola Urban Road ICP Study
Brisbane Airport Strategic Plan
Sherwood-Yeerongpilly Freight Transport Study
Caboolture LGMS Model Update
Cooloola Priority Infrastructure Plan Update
Brisbane-Cairns AUSLINK Review
Maleny Local Road Network Study
Maroochydore Road Traffic Modelling
BSTM Freight Matrix Development
SEQ Motor Vehicle Emissions
Freight Planning & Analysis
Freight transport is absolutely essential to modern urban civilisation. No urban area could exist without a massive, sustained and reliable flow of goods to, from and within it.
The nature of our large, geographically dispersed conurbations requires that food, raw materials, building materials, household goods, office supplies and waste be transported from between the point of production to the point of consumption. This generates a significant movement of freight and freight vehicles.
The most significant impact of freight movement is its contribution to the ongoing maintenance and development of the local economy and lifestyle. However, this positive is rarely acknowledged.
PTT has undertaken numerous freight planning projects. We have gained considerable experience in balancing the benefits of an efficient freight network with the associated negative impacts.
Our application to the range of transport planning skills and techniques includes:
Data collection
Model development
Demand forecasting
Stakeholder and community consultation
Impact mitigation
Policy development
Projects include but not limited to:
Toowoomba Sub-Regional Transport Study Stages 1 and 2
Out of Gauge Co-ordination Unit
Strengthening Queensland’s Supply Chains
Light Freight and Urban Logistics
Multi-modal Freight Centres Strategy
Heavy Vehicle Rest Area Data Definition
Sherwood-Yeerongpilly Freight Study
Port of Brisbane Import/Export Logistics Chain Study
Brisbane Freight Model Program
Brisbane-Cairns Freight
SEQ Freight Impacts Study
BSTM Freight Matrix Development
Gladstone Dangerous Goods Study
Policy Development
Transport policy has the potential to influence the economic, social and environmental characteristics of transport uses, industry and the community.
PTT has worked with a number of State and Local Governments and key stakeholders to develop a range of transport related policies in such areas as:
urban and regional freight management
traffic management
heavy vehicles management
car parking supply and management
public transport service provision
Through such projects the firm has developed a sound understanding of the complex interactions of transport policy between users, government, industry and the community. At PTT, we appreciate the need for consistency in policy formulation, application and its effects, and the practical limits imposed by current and anticipated funding levels.
Examples of such work include:
Light Freight Vehicles
WA Out of Gauge Management Policy
TOD Traffic Operations Review
Regional Incident Management Strategy
Cooloola Shire Priority Infrastructure Plan
Managing Night Time Truck Noise
Affordable Housing Parking Rates
Planned Events Management
Strategic Transport Planning
The logical, safe and efficient development of a regional transport network can be achieved through the application of sound strategic planning principles.
By adopting a top-down approach, we focus first on the over-arching objectives, translating these to sub-regional or corridor specific performance criteria, and then developing and evaluating the available alternatives.
PTT has played a lead role in a number of significant strategic transport planning studies undertaken throughout Queensland, including:
Toowoomba Sub-Regional Transport Study Stages 1 and 2
Centenary Motorway Area Transport Strategy
Ipswich Motorway Strategic Assessment of Service Requirements
Port of Brisbane Road Infrastructure Assessment
Toowoomba City Centre Future Directions Study
Anzac Ave Traffic Study
Coolangatta Traffic Study
Cairns Integrated PT Study
Pine Rivers ILTP
Emissions Forecasting
Transport externalities (e.g. noise and air emissions) are significant, ubiquitous and generated by all modes.
PTT has been active in the field of emissions forecasting over the past 15 years via the CTEE and its role in publishing the annual Australian and State Transport Facts Reports (2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013).
Other relevant projects undertaken by the firm include:
Port Of Brisbane Landside Emissions Inventory
SEQ Motor Vehicle Emissions Inventory Update
Austroads Night Time Truck Noise Study
Aggregated Emissions Data Pilot Study
BSD Motor Vehicle Emissions Inventory
Greenhouse Gas Abatement Study
SEQ Motor Vehicle Emissions Inventory
PTT always provide me with efficient and accurate reporting to achieve best possible outcomes for our clients – their flexible nature and inherent problem solving abilities allow for our continued successful addressing of traffic and parking issues raised by Council.